According to Delhi Police sources, Aaftab Amin Poonawalla, accused in the heinous Shraddha Walkar murder case, is undergoing a psychological diagnostic exam called Perceptual Ability Test (PAT).
Delhi Police sources on Tuesday said that Aaftab test is being conducted at Rohini Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL). According to police sources, after the psychological analysis exam, accused will be subjected to a polygraph test.
“Because the accused has been acting regularly and smoothly from the start, it was critical that he undergo polygraph and narco testing. This is a lengthy procedure. Even after the remand is completed, a narco test will be performed in judicial custody ” stated sources of Delhi Police.
Accused is currently being held by police. Delhi Court on Tuesday extended Aaftab Poonawala’s police detention for four more days.
Aaftab is accused of strangling his live-in partner Shraddha to death and dismembering her body into 35 parts. He is also accused of storing her body parts in a refrigerator before discarding them in the jungles of Chhatarpur in south Delhi.
Earlier on November 23, Aaftab underwent court-ordered polygraph tests in order to move the investigation ahead.