Pratik Gauri’s Venture Portfolio : A Unique Flywheel For Millionaire Earth Heroes

Pratik Gauri, widely known for creating the 5th Industrial Revolution, has created a unique flywheel to help social entrepreneurs, celebrities, family of ices, and the government through his portfolio of companies at Let’s Do This – the new age Berkshire Hathaway.

Welcome to Pratik Gauri’s portfolio of companies at Let’s Do This Global – the new age Berkshire Hathaway. “I seek inspiration from Warren Buffet ; BH invests financial capital in companies however we at Let’s Do This invest financial capital, human capital, and relationship capital”, says Gauri.

Pratik runs a private club for impact-focused millionaires called “Millionaire Earth Heroes” which has more than 50 members now. Members include celebrities, family offices, CXOs, and entrepreneurs who believe in Gauri’s philosophy of a 5th Industrial Revolution where robots and humans will co-exist to usher a better future. What is the 5th Industrial Revolution ? “It’s about working at the intersection of KPI ( Key Performance Indicators ) based performance and SDG ( Sustainable Development Goals ) aligned impact”, says Pratik. If you focus on impact, you can drive more revenue and profits.

The model of Let’s Do This is a unique flywheel for Millionaire Earth Heroes : LDT uses its relationship capital to reduce four degrees of separation to two or less, they have real estate partnerships to scale businesses by opening franchises across the world, they have an in-house business development team and use their human capital to amplify businesses, and they are building an in-house venture studio to invest financial capital in social entrepreneurs and help them scale their businesses. Let’s Do This already has more than 30 brands in their portfolio and they are just a year old.

Gauri’s portfolio has companies in health, education, food / hunger, renewables, climate, among others. We actively invest in social entrepreneurs and run companies which will create the 5th Industrial Revolution”, says Pratik. His initiatives, companies, and works are curating a better world by combining exponential progress with purpose. His non-profit leadership movement India Needs You recently received funding to tackle COVID-19 from London-based One Young World, Gates Foundation, Justin Trudeau, Desmond Tutu, and Emma Watson.

Gauri has won innumerable accolades for his works ; He was named Creative Entrepreneur of 2020 by the Entrepreneur magazine, and Entrepreneur of the year 2020 by Indian Achievers’ Forum for creating 5th Industrial Revolution. He is a Greenbiz Global 30 Under 30, British Petroleum Scholar, WEF Global Shaper, Ambassador at One Young World, Al Gore’s Climate Leader, Asia’s top 50 voices by Earth Day Network, amongst many others. Gauri is also a widely followed social media influencer having more than 250,000 followers across facebook, instagram and linkedin.

COVID-19 crisis has shown us that we need to kickstart the Fifth Industrial Revolution in order to solve problems like gender inequality, lack of clean water, lack of quality education, among many others. Social entrepreneurship has changed from a charity model to an essential business model that allows organisations to build a sustainable and better future and Gauri is leading the way. When asked about his end goal, Gauri says, “I want to help create thousands of impact millionaires who will positively impact billions of humans bringing to fruition my aim of creating 5th Industrial Revolution”.