EU condemns Taliban Ban on Women from public spaces

The Taliban’s recent prohibitions on women’s right to freedom, including as the prohibition of women from using public parks and gyms, have been denounced by the European Union (EU).

The European Union (EU), strongly denounced the Taliban ban on women from accessing public parks and gyms, which is clearly an infringement on women’s freedom of movement.

“In contrast to the Taliban’s own original claims, these limitations are added to the Taliban’s already serious breaches of Afghan women’s and girls’ rights. Afghan women and girls continue to lack access to secondary education, encounter limitations on their freedom of movement and are largely excluded from public and economic life “the statement from the 27-member group on Monday. The Taliban were urged by the EU to uphold their commitments under international law, particularly those relating to human rights, refugee status, and humanitarian law, as well as to guarantee that all Afghan citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms be respected.

Since the Taliban’s return to Kabul in August 2021, widespread violations of women’s and girls’ rights as well as their use of violence, including torture and enforced disappearances, have instilled a culture of terror across Afghan society.

According to a news source, the notorious Taliban Ministry of Virtue and Vice’s most recent directive barred women from visiting parks in Kabul. The Afghan news agency claims that this limitation on women is a result of non-hijab compliance.

Rights organisations have urged the Taliban to change its recent decision to forbid women from entering Kabul’s public parks.

“Afghanistan: The Taliban reportedly forbidding women from using public parks in Kabul is another setback for women’s rights in the nation. Given that the Taliban have consistently attacked women’s rights, any such decision by them must be overturned straight away “Amnesty made this declaration in a tweet.

Women are unable to exercise their fundamental rights, such as the freedom of movement, the right to an education, and the right to political engagement because the Taliban are once again in control.

Amnesty International claimed in the statement that the Taliban also destroyed institutions created by the previous administration to deal with allegations of domestic abuse against women.

“Several women activists who had recently been incarcerated a few days prior were among the peaceful protestors who were wrongfully detained, tortured, and arrested by the Taliban.”

The organisation also pleaded for the international community to pay attention to the systemic rights violations and suffering of women under Taliban rule.