UNGA calls emergency special session to talk about Ukraine crisis will resume on March 23rd

UNGA calls to resume Emergency Special Session on March 23rd.

UN General Assembly is set to resume its session on the emergency of Ukraine crisis on Wednesday. The president of the UN body, Abdulla Shahid called for a general assembly meet-up which will be presided by 22 member states including France, the UK, and the US. However, the UN body consists of 193 member states.
On March 23rd March, the UNGA president made a tweet announcing a General Assembly Hall for the Emergency Special Session. This session is a follow-up to the previous emergency session held on February 28.
This session is on emergency call after a letter by the 22 member states addressing Shahid on the resumption of the 11th Emergency Special Session of the UNGA.
The countries who wrote for this emergency meet session include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, the UK, and the US.
These countries urge to redeem the General Assembly’s power of taking charge to protect the sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine for international peace and security.
However, India did not vote for this and was having a neutral thought. India’s only demand was to safely evacuate its Indian students and citizen back home.