Delhi University Bomb Scare: Lady Shri Ram College And Sri Venkateswara College Get Bombing Threats

Earlier today, three five-star hotels in Bengaluru also received bomb threats via email, prompting extensive search operations. These too were later confirmed to be hoaxes. Read on to know more

On May 23, two Delhi University colleges received bomb threats. The Delhi Fire Service reported receiving calls about bomb threats at Lady Shri Ram College and Sri Venkateswara College. Fire tenders and Delhi Police responded promptly to the scene.

However, the Delhi Police later dismissed these calls as “bogus,” assuring that there was no cause for concern. “Some calls were received regarding bomb threats in colleges. All are bogus calls. No need to worry,” the police stated.

Earlier today, three five-star hotels in Bengaluru also received bomb threats via email, prompting extensive search operations. These too were later confirmed to be hoaxes.

On May 22, a bomb threat caused alarm in the North Block, where the home ministry office is located, but this was also declared a hoax after a thorough search revealed nothing suspicious.