‘PM Modi taking India to new heights’, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Dr Joseph Wu Exclusive On NewsX

In this exclusive interview conducted by NewsX Editor-in-Chief Rishabh Gulati, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu provides a comprehensive insight into the multifaceted relationship between Taiwan and India, as well as the broader geopolitical dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region. Minister Wu offers unique perspectives on critical issues ranging from economic collaboration to regional security concerns, offering an exclusive glimpse into Taiwan’s diplomatic priorities and strategic vision. With an emphasis on fostering closer ties between democracies amidst rising authoritarianism, Minister Wu’s interview provides invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping the geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific.

In an exclusive interview conducted by NewsX Editor-in-Chief Rishabh Gulati, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu articulated key insights into the dynamic relationship between Taiwan and India, as well as the broader geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific region. Addressing critical issues ranging from economic collaboration to regional security concerns, Minister Wu emphasized the significance of fostering closer ties between democracies in the face of rising authoritarianism.

Dynamic Relationship between Taiwan and India

Minister Wu underscored India’s pivotal role as the largest democracy in the world and highlighted the country’s skilled population, emphasizing the potential for collaboration and mutual benefit between India and Taiwan. He expressed optimism regarding the opportunities that a labor agreement between the two nations could unlock, noting the positive direction of bilateral relations.

Cultural Appeal of India to Taiwan

Highlighting the cultural appeal of India to Taiwan, Minister Wu said ”Indian culture is very attractive to Taiwan”. He emphasized the attractiveness of Indian culture and the vast market opportunities that the Indian economy presents to Taiwanese businessmen.

Emphasis on Economic Collaboration and Regional Security

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, reaffirmed his dedicated efforts towards enhancing cooperation between Taiwan and India. In his statement, he said, “We are working hard to ensure bilateral relations in every way moving forward.” Minister Wu’s emphasis on diligence underscores the strategic importance of nurturing bilateral relations amidst the evolving geopolitical landscape, signifying a forward-looking approach aimed at fostering mutual understanding and partnership between the two nations. As both countries navigate the complexities of regional dynamics, such concerted efforts serve as a cornerstone for building a resilient and mutually beneficial relationship that advances shared interests and promotes stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

Concerns Over China’s Military Pressure on Taiwan

Turning to regional security concerns, Minister Wu voiced concerns over China’s escalating military pressure on Taiwan and its assertive actions in the South China Sea. He said, ”China has been targeting Taiwan to apply a lot of military pressure”. Wu also emphasized the need for democracies to unite in the face of heightened tensions, noting the strategic importance of Taiwan in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

Furthermore, Minister Wu pointed out that “Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are working closely with each other.” This observation underscores the strategic alliances formed among authoritarian regimes, posing challenges to the international order and democratic norms. The coordination between these countries signifies a concerted effort to challenge the existing geopolitical balance and undermine democratic institutions. Minister Wu’s recognition of this collaboration highlights the need for democracies to remain vigilant and cooperate effectively to counter the collective influence of authoritarian states on the global stage.

Opportunities Arising from India’s Partnerships

highlighting the strategic partnerships that India has forged with key democratic allies Wu highlighted that “India’s collaboration with the U.S. and Japan is providing opportunities to democracies in the Indo-Pacific.” This collaboration not only strengthens regional security but also fosters economic growth and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Minister Wu’s recognition of India’s role as a key player in promoting democratic values underscores the importance of multilateral cooperation in addressing shared challenges and advancing common interests.

Optimism about India’s Economic Future

Moreover, Minister Wu expressed optimism about India’s economic prospects, stating that “India has a bright future for the economy, and PM Modi’s economic policies will bring India to new heights.” This statement reflects confidence in India’s economic potential and the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in driving forward reforms and growth initiatives. Minister Wu’s remarks highlight the positive outlook for India’s economic trajectory and the opportunities it presents for regional and global cooperation. As India continues to pursue its economic agenda, it stands poised to contribute significantly to the prosperity and development of the Indo-Pacific region.

India’s Commitment to Peace and Stability

“The Indian Government has stressed peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” affirmed Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, underscoring India’s commitment to regional peace and security. This statement reflects India’s recognition of the importance of stability in the Taiwan Strait for maintaining peace in the broader Indo-Pacific region. Minister Wu’s acknowledgment of India’s stance underscores the significance of multilateral efforts in promoting stability and mitigating tensions in critical maritime areas.

Caution Against Chinese Ambitions in the Indian Ocean

Furthermore, Minister Wu cautioned against Chinese ambitions in the Indian Ocean, stating that “Chinese ambition in the Indian Ocean should not escape observation.” This observation underscores the need for vigilance regarding China’s expanding influence and strategic interests in the Indian Ocean region. Minister Wu highlighted China’s use of the Pearl String strategy, involving the establishment of ports along the Indian Ocean, as a manifestation of its broader geopolitical ambitions. This recognition underscores the importance of monitoring and addressing China’s activities in the Indian Ocean to safeguard regional security and uphold the principles of freedom of navigation and maritime governance.

Opportunities for Taiwan’s Businesses in India

“India’s collaboration with the U.S. and Japan is providing opportunities to democracies in the Indo-Pacific, and India is going to be a fantastic market for Taiwan’s businessmen,” affirmed Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. This acknowledgement underscores the strategic significance of India’s partnerships with key democratic allies in the region, opening up new avenues for economic cooperation and mutual benefit. Minister Wu’s statement reflects Taiwan’s recognition of India’s growing importance as a market and partner in the Indo-Pacific, offering promising prospects for Taiwanese businesses to expand their presence and leverage India’s vibrant economy.

Potential for Cooperation in the Semiconductor Industry

Minister Wu also expressed confidence in India’s economic future, stating that “India has a bright future for the economy, and PM Modi’s economic policies will bring India to new heights.” This optimistic outlook underscores Taiwan’s belief in India’s potential for sustained economic growth under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Minister Wu’s remarks highlight Taiwan’s positive assessment of India’s economic trajectory and its willingness to engage in mutually beneficial partnerships to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Discussion on Free Trade Agreement

Additionally, Minister Wu emphasized the potential for fruitful cooperation between Taiwan and India in the semiconductor industry, recognizing the complementary strengths of both countries in this critical sector. This statement underscores Taiwan’s eagerness to collaborate with India to leverage its expertise in semiconductor manufacturing and drive innovation and technological advancement.

Promoting mutual understanding

Furthermore, Minister Wu highlighted the need for discussions on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and Taiwan to address tariff challenges and facilitate deeper economic cooperation. This reflects Taiwan’s commitment to enhancing trade relations with India and exploring mechanisms to reduce barriers to trade and investment.

Facilitating media cooperation

In line with promoting mutual understanding, Minister Wu stressed the importance of Indian audiences being aware of Taiwan’s viewpoints. He also expressed Taiwan’s commitment to facilitating cooperation between media institutions in India and Taiwan, underscoring the importance of information exchange and dialogue between the two countries.

Welcoming Indian Journalists to Taiwan

Moreover, Minister Wu extended a warm welcome to Indian journalists stationed in Taiwan, highlighting Taiwan’s openness to fostering closer ties and enhancing people-to-people exchanges between the two nations. This gesture reflects Taiwan’s commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and deepening mutual understanding and cooperation in various fields.