British First Black Lady Lawmaker Is Denied Contesting in UK’s Upcoming General Elections by Labour Party

Britain’s first Black female lawmaker, Diane Abbott, on Wednesday (May 29) claimed that she was being barred by the Labour Party from standing as its candidate in the upcoming general election. Labour Party Leader, Keir Starmer Denies the claims.

Diane Abbott, who is Britain’s first Black female lawmaker on Wednesday, said that she was denied from contesting the upcoming general elections by the Labour Paty. However, the party leader, Keir Starmer denied the accusations.

Talking about Abbott’s last year situation, she was suspended from the party after she passed contentious comments on the Irish, jewish and Traveller people. Saying that they have not faced racism “all their lives”.

In 2023, she posted on ‘x’, “As a Black woman, and someone on the left of the Labour Party, I have unfortunately been forced to reach the conclusion that I will not get a fair hearing from this Labour leadership.”

Although Abbott had promptly and “unreservedly’ apologised and withdrew the remarks she was suspended last year.

Then after the party setup a probe on her, the suspension was finally lifted on Tuesday May 28.
The findings of the probe were not made public.

The 70-year-old lawmaker received online racist and sexist abuse after a letter to a newspaper about Jewish people and racism, saying that while they “undoubtedly experience prejudice,” they are “not all their lives subject to racism.”

While she was readmitted to Labour’s parliamentary ranks Abbott said she had been “banned” from standing as the party’s candidate in the July 4 election.

According to Abbott, a report by Times newspaper said she would be barred from running in her northeast London district in the upcoming elections.

Party leader Starmer denies accusations..

The British MP and labour party leader said on Wednesday, “No that’s not true. No decision has been taken to bar Diane Abbott,”.

However, it was not immediately clear if she not be barred since he said no formal decision about her candidacy had been made.

Abbott had taken to X and said that she was “delighted” to be a part of the party again. She added, “I will be campaigning for a Labour victory.”

“But I am very dismayed that numerous reports suggest I have been barred as a candidate,” said Abbott, who blazed a trail for other Black women politicians.

However, reports suggest that the 70-year-old lawmaker may not be out of the woods just yet as Starmer has sought to purge Labour of some left-wing members and to tackle any allegations of antisemitism.

The Labour party leader might make the move after the UK’s equalities watchdog accused the opposition party of discrimination against Jews under his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn.

Corbyn, who led the party from 2015 to 2020, has been barred from running as a Labour candidate.

Recent polls, as per Reuters, have suggested that barring Abbott could lead to anger among Black voters who have traditionally voted for Labour.