Johnson Calls For Columbia President’s Resignation, Criticizes Leadership

Johnson is scheduled to tour the school and meet with Jewish students during his visit. Columbia University recently announced a shift to hybrid classes for the remainder of the semester in response to the protests.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has demanded the resignation of Columbia University’s president, Minouche Shafik, amidst ongoing pro-Palestinian protests on the campus. Johnson expressed his stance ahead of his planned visit to the school to condemn the protests.

In an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, Johnson criticized Shafik, labeling her as a “very weak, inept leader” who has failed to ensure the safety of Jewish students on campus. He voiced his frustration, stating, “This President Shafik has shown to be a very weak, inept leader. They cannot even guarantee the safety of Jewish students? They are expected to run for their lives and stay home from class? It’s maddening.”

The protests, which began a week ago, have seen demonstrators setting up an encampment, demanding that the university divest from Israel and companies associated with its war effort. Jewish students have expressed concerns about their safety on campus amidst the ongoing tensions.

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Johnson is scheduled to tour the school and meet with Jewish students during his visit. Columbia University recently announced a shift to hybrid classes for the remainder of the semester in response to the protests.

Expressing his condemnation of the situation, Johnson emphasized the need for all leaders and citizens to speak out against such actions, describing them as “disgusting and unacceptable.” He stressed the importance of accountability and indicated that he and his colleagues would be actively addressing the issue.

Several other Republican lawmakers from New York have also called for Shafik’s resignation. In response to these demands, a university spokesperson stated that President Shafik is focused on de-escalating tensions on campus and is collaborating with various stakeholders to address the situation.

The calls for Shafik’s resignation come amidst heightened tensions on college campuses across the country regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, underscoring the need for constructive dialogue and resolution.