U.S. Treasury Sanctions Chinese & Thai Entities For Cybercrime Involvement

The U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on three Chinese nationals and three Thai companies for their involvement in a cybercrime network.

The U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on three Chinese nationals and three Thai companies for their involvement in a cybercrime network. This network was responsible for bomb threats and fraudulent COVID-related aid applications, costing the U.S. government billions of dollars.

Details of the Sanctions

The sanctioned individuals and companies were linked to the 911 S5 botnet, which compromised computers, making it appear as though cybercrimes originated from the victims’ devices rather than the actual perpetrators’, according to the Treasury.

Official Statement

“These individuals used their malicious botnet technology to compromise personal devices, enabling cybercriminals to fraudulently obtain economic assistance intended for those in need and to terrorize our citizens with bomb threats,” stated Brian Nelson, Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.

 Bomb Threats and Financial Fraud

The compromised IP addresses were connected to numerous bomb threats across the United States in July 2022, as per the Treasury’s release.

Response from Sanctioned Entities

Reuters has not yet been able to obtain comments from the sanctioned individuals or companies.

This move by the U.S. Treasury highlights the serious repercussions of cybercrime and the ongoing efforts to combat such malicious activities.

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