Could Pregnancy Accelerate the Aging Process in Women?

Intriguingly, the research also indicates that the aging process may accelerate with multiple pregnancies……..

A recent study highlighted in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that women who have experienced pregnancy may exhibit more signs of biological aging compared to those who haven’t. Intriguingly, the research also indicates that the aging process may accelerate with multiple pregnancies.

Calen Ryan, an associate research scientist at the Columbia University Ageing Center, who led the study, remarked, “We’re discovering that pregnancy leaves lasting effects on the body. While not all are negative, it appears to heighten the risk of certain diseases and overall mortality.”

The study delved into blood samples from 1,735 individuals in the Philippines, all aged between 20 and 22 in 2005, drawing from data in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey. Researchers scrutinized the participants’ reproductive histories and pregnancy experiences alongside socioeconomic and pollution-related factors that might impact aging.

Further analysis compared this data with a smaller subset of female participants from 2009 to 2014. Blood samples underwent scrutiny for various biological indicators linked to aging, including epigenetic modifications in DNA.

Epigenetic modifications, or “epigenetic clocks,” accumulate as cells mature, revealing which genes are activated or deactivated. These markers offer insight into cellular biological age, reflecting the impact of factors like stress and life experiences on cells, making them appear older or younger than their chronological age.

The study underscores the diverse experiences women undergo during pregnancy, with some encountering minimal challenges while others undergo profound mental and physical changes.