X launches 'Stories' Powered By GrokAI : How To Utilize The Latest Feature

X has acknowledged the need for improvement in the accuracy of ‘Stories’ summaries, particularly in terms of citations. According to reports from Bloomberg, some summaries generated by Grok lack proper citations, indicating a potential for errors.

Elon Musk’s social media platform, X (formerly Twitter), has unveiled an innovative feature called ‘Stories’, designed to provide users with concise summaries of news events directly within the app. Unlike traditional news articles, these summaries are generated based on user tweets and are curated by the Grok AI chatbot, developed by xAI, another company owned by Musk.

The company announced the launch of this feature with a statement, stating, “Now available: Stories on X, powered by Grok AI. See what the world is talking about with Stories on X, curated by @grok. Now available for Premium subscribers in the Explore tab! Web & iOS only for now — let us know your feedback.”

What is X’s New Feature ‘Stories’?

The new feature, aptly named ‘Stories’, is aimed at providing users with curated summaries of news events, all sourced from user tweets rather than traditional news articles. This approach offers a unique perspective on current events, allowing users to stay informed in a more succinct and personalized manner.

Who Can Access the ‘Stories’ Feature?

Access to the ‘Stories’ feature is currently limited to X’s premium subscribers, offering an exclusive benefit to those who have subscribed to the platform’s premium services.

How are X ‘Stories’ Different from Other Platforms?

While social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and Snapchat predominantly focus on visual content such as photos and videos, X’s ‘Stories’ take a different approach by presenting news summaries based on users’ interests. These summaries are displayed on the “For You” page, providing users with personalized updates on trending topics and events.

Unlike Stories on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, which typically disappear after 24 hours, X’s Stories feature may have a different approach to longevity, providing users with access to curated news summaries for an extended period.

Are X ‘Stories’ Error-Free?

X has acknowledged the need for improvement in the accuracy of ‘Stories’ summaries, particularly in terms of citations. According to reports from Bloomberg, some summaries generated by Grok lack proper citations, indicating a potential for errors. As a result, a warning message is displayed below the summary, highlighting the need for further refinement in this aspect.

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In conclusion, X’s new ‘Stories’ feature represents a pioneering step towards delivering news content in a more accessible and personalized format, leveraging user-generated tweets to provide concise summaries of trending topics. As the platform continues to refine and enhance this feature, users can expect an even more seamless and informative experience in staying updated with the latest news and events.