The 100% Saturation Sankalp | The Prime Minister’s Interview

This is how PM Modi ideates his schemes, sets a goal and then works to deliver them on a mission mode. The Prime Minister speaks on true secularism and its link with 100% scheme saturation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an exclusive interview to iTV Network.

In an exclusive interview to iTV Network, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Aishwarya Pandit Sharma of The Sunday Guardian, NewsX Editor-In-Chief Rishabh Gulati, and India News Editor-In-Chief Rana Yashwant.

The Prime Minister stressed on his 25 year track record with regard to the delivery of welfare schemes, and reiterated his mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ to realise his vision of a developed India.

Prime Minister Modi highlighted his goal of 100% saturation and said, “Whether it is providing gas connections, building toilets, ensuring tap water connections, I believe in 100% delivery.”

With regard to the results, he commented, “Some people will receive the benefits in January, some in April and some in November, but the scheme will apply to all and 100%.”

PM Modi further explained that if 100% delivery is the goal, then no scope for discrimination arises. He asserted, “I believe that true secularism is when 100% delivery is done. Social justice is when 100% delivery is done.”

The Prime Minister also spoke about the feat of lifting 25 Crore people out of poverty. He said, “Once they escape poverty, they should be empowered to stand strong.”

Prime Minister Modi presented an analogy to elucidate his point. He sad, “For example, one returns home from the hospital. The treatment has been done but precaution is necessary. A doctor advises you to take rest for a particular duration after returning home, tells you what to eat and what to refrain from consuming, and what to take care of.”

He explained that even if an illness has already been addressed, if anything is jeopardised then the condition of the person would return to what it was earlier.


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He outlined his perspective on realising poverty alleviation. PM Modi emphasised, “In my understanding, in the next five years, those who have escaped poverty should be able to firmly stand on their feet. Any unfortunate incident in their family, should not push them to poverty again. And only then will the country eradicate poverty.”

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