WHO calls for extreme vigilance as countries begin to exit from lockdown

Addressing a virtual briefing, WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hailed the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases in some countries. He added that extreme vigilance is required as countries plan exits from lockdown.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently urged the nations to show extreme vigilance when it comes to lifting the lockdown and easing the restrictions imposed to combat COVID-19.WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the good news is the number cases are now slowing down in many countries and many lives are being saved. Countries like Spain and France have already started reopening from the lockdown after a decline in the number of cases.

WHO emergencies chief Michael Ryan said that though there is a decline in the number of cases still extreme vigilance is required in lifting the lockdown imposed due to coronavirus outbreak. Ryan also said that all the countries should amp up the public health responses to ensure that they can identify a fresh cases, trace it on time and isolate with all their close contacts. This is the only way left to avoid the second wave of coronavirus.

If the virus persists in countries at a low level, there is still a risk that the disease will take off again. Senior world health officials said that many countries are driving blind in reopening the economies and lifting the lockdown without setting up counters for the strong tracing of the new cases of COVID-19.

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Ryan later added that shutting your eyes and driving straight from this pandemic is not easy. It is silly that the countries are actually doing it. He said that he is concerned that these countries will land up in serious problems in the next few months if they continue like this to reopen the economies.
