Xi Jinping and Putin Sign Joint Statement; China-Russia Partnership Marks 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties Between Two Nations

The discussions between Xi and Putin covered various topics, including the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, bilateral trade, security, and energy cooperation.

China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin signed a joint statement to deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership during Putin’s state visit to Beijing, marking the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two nations, according to state media Xinhua.

The visit showcased the close alignment between China and Russia amidst escalating tensions globally, particularly Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Xi extended a warm welcome to Putin, highlighting the significance of their strategic partnership amid challenges with Western nations.

The grand reception for Putin included a military band serenade and gun salute, symbolizing the deepening bond between the two leaders. Discussions between Xi and Putin covered various topics, including bilateral trade, security, and energy cooperation, with both leaders reaffirming their commitment to mutual support and cooperation.

Xi stated that China is prepared to work with Russia as good neighbors, friends, and partners, aiming to strengthen the lasting friendship between their peoples and jointly pursue national development, revitalization, and global fairness and justice.

Putin’s visit coincided with the escalating conflict in Ukraine, adding urgency to their discussions. The meeting highlighted international concerns about the Ukraine crisis and the need for diplomatic efforts to address the situation. Additionally, there was growing pressure on China to ensure that its trade relationship with Russia does not inadvertently support Moscow’s military activities, particularly in defense-related exports.

The discussions between Xi and Putin covered various topics, including the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, bilateral trade, security, and energy cooperation. Putin praised the high level of strategic partnership between the two countries, emphasizing their shared goals of enhancing foreign policy coordination and expanding cooperation in multiple sectors, including industry, technology, and energy.

The visit also included Putin’s trip to Harbin, where he attended trade and cooperation forums, highlighting the increased connectivity and closer ties between China and Russia in the northeastern region. Putin’s engagement with the Harbin Institute of Technology underscored the importance of educational and scientific cooperation in strengthening bilateral relations.

Overall, Xi and Putin’s meeting underscored the strategic importance of China-Russia cooperation in navigating complex global challenges. The visit not only strengthened diplomatic ties but also highlighted the shared goals of both nations in promoting stability, fairness, and justice in the international arena.