In the last few years, the use of skin-lightening products, which include creams and injectable glutathione, has increased exponentially.
However, health experts are sounding the alarm about their side effects, which may go beyond the skin. According to studies, unregulated skin-lightening products contain harmful substances, including mercury, that can pose serious risks to kidney health.
How Skin-Lightening Products Damage the Kidneys
Most of the skin-lightening creams sold in stores, especially those that are sold without proper labels or certifications, contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is absorbed into the bloodstream once applied to the skin and goes to the kidneys, where it binds to the filtration system of the organ.
This triggers the immune system to produce antibodies that attack kidney tissues, resulting in a condition known as membranous nephropathy (MN). MN damages the filters in the kidneys, causing protein to leak into the urine. Symptoms Identification
The common symptoms of kidney damage from these products include:
- Swelling: Especially in the legs and body.
- Proteinuria: It may cause low levels of serum albumin, which is an essential protein. This condition is termed nephrotic syndrome.
- Increased risk of infections and blood clotting: From the loss of protective and coagulation-controlling proteins. –
- Hypertension: Occurs in approximately one-third of affected patients. Cases of Damage
Several cases of kidney damage have been reported with skin-lightening products. For example: A 24-year-old woman and a 56-year-old man in Raigad developed kidney diseases after using herbal fairness creams sold without proper certification. Both patients had elevated blood mercury levels, leading to MN and severe protein leakage.
In Kerala, the biggest series of cases associated with whitening creams all had high levels of mercury as the common factor.
The risks of untested creams are clear, and usually, these unlicensed sellers who sell them can be a barber or even a beauty parlour.
Treatment and Prevention
Generally, discontinuing the use of harmful skin-lightening products usually reduces kidney damage and leakage due to protein. The drugs administered may be immunosuppressants or antihypertensive drugs if the condition is severe. Early diagnosis and treatment reduce the possibility of permanent kidney impairment. The Future Ahead
Consumers should not use any unapproved skin-lightening products, especially those that do not carry a label or have some form of regulatory approval. “Herbal” or “natural” products often hide harmful chemicals, such as mercury.
Consult a dermatologist and take only FDA-approved skincare products.
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