Japanese Dog of 'Doge' Meme Fame Dies, Internet Reacts

Kabosu’s impact extended far beyond just being a beloved pet; he played a role in the creation and popularization of Dogecoin, demonstrating the unexpected ways in which internet phenomena can shape even financial markets. The fact that Kabosu’s image was briefly adopted by Elon Musk for the logo of X highlights the lasting legacy of this iconic dog.

On May 24, the internet bid farewell to a beloved icon as Kabosu, the Japanese Shiba Inu who inspired the famous Doge meme, passed away at the age of 19. His owner, Atsuko Sato, shared the somber news via a heartfelt blog post, expressing her gratitude for the years spent with Kabosu and announcing a farewell gathering to honor his memory on May 26.

Atsuko Sato’s journey with Kabosu began in 2008 when she adopted the spirited Shiba Inu. In her poignant post, she tenderly wrote, “Kabosu, today, May 24, at 7:50 am fell into a deep sleep. Kabosu is at rest now.” The farewell event, scheduled for May 26 at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City, from 1 pm to 4 pm, serves as a touching tribute to the canine companion who captured the hearts of millions.

Kabosu dog meme


Kabosu battled health issues, diagnosed with cholangiohepatitis and chronic lymphoma leukemia in 2022. Despite this, his iconic presence endured.

In 2010, Kabosu’s endearing photographs captured the attention of social media users, quickly propelling him to meme stardom as the face of “Doge.” This iconic meme, characterized by Kabosu’s quizzical expression and humorous captions in broken English, became a global phenomenon, spreading joy and laughter across the digital landscape.

The impact of Kabosu’s meme transcended mere internet fame, sparking the creation of Dogecoin in 2013. Featuring Kabosu’s likeness as its logo, Dogecoin started as a lighthearted cryptocurrency but soon gained substantial traction, fueled by its vibrant community and the influence of figures like Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Musk’s nod to ewas particularly notable when he briefly changed the logo of X (formerly Twitter) to an image of the beloved Shiba Inu. This gesture sent Dogecoin’s value soaring, underscoring the enduring power of Kabosu’s image and the cultural significance of the Doge meme.


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