Israeli Forces Target Hamas Infrastructure in Northern Gaza

The IDF said ground forces destroyed Hamas infrastructure, including a weapons workshop located near a school.

Israeli military operations in northern Gaza have resulted in the elimination of numerous militants and the destruction of key Hamas facilities, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The operations included ground engagements and airstrikes in the Zeitoun area, aimed at disrupting Hamas’s attempts to regroup.

IDF reports indicate that their forces dismantled significant Hamas infrastructure, including a weapons workshop situated near a school. They seized a substantial cache of arms, including AK-47 rifles, grenades, explosives, and rocket launcher production equipment. Additionally, they discovered assets related to intelligence management.

This offensive follows a recent IDF operation in which 15 Hamas militants were killed at a command center within a UNRWA school. Aerial surveillance has also identified Palestinian fighters within a UNRWA aid compound in Rafah over the past weekend.

These actions come in the wake of the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israeli communities near the Gaza border, which resulted in the deaths of at least 1,200 individuals and the capture of 240 Israelis and foreign nationals. Approximately 30 of the 132 remaining hostages are believed to have been killed.