Musk reveals US demanded suspension of 250k Twitter accounts

Musk receals that the US government has requested the suspension of 250k Twitter accounts, including those belonging to journalists and Canadian politicians.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Tuesday stated that the US government has requested suspension of 250k Twitter accounts, including those belonging to journalists and Canadian politicians.

He revealed this when revealing the most recent set of “Twitter Files,” which were made public by writer Matt Taibbi.

Musk tweeted “A US government agency has sought the suspension of 250k accounts, including journalists and Canadian officials!”

The fresh leak of internal Twitter conversations sheds light on the social media company’s connection with government agencies.

According to media reports, Taibbi exposed the US government’s escalating and never-ending pressure on Twitter to collaborate with Congress in the hunt for Russian influence on the site.

The Global Engagement Center, which Taibbi describes as “a budding analytic/intelligence branches of the State Department,” went public with a report to the media that included a list of “suspicious accounts” that it said were “Russian identities and proxies.”

However, Twitter’s subsequent task force to investigate Russian influence on the platform discovered “no coordinated” effort and largely “lone-wolf” accounts with tiny ad buys.