The myriad factors like migration, trade and cultural relations serve to shape the geographical spread of language. When people move and socialize with different communities, they add new words and sounds to their linguistic repertoire. These include colonisation and the expansion of the Roman Empire, the Islamic invasions etc. Languages such as Latin , Sanskrit and Arabic were among those who were able to travel the world spreading the language across. As a result of this created the pidgins and creoles. The spread of language not only increases the diversity of languages but also preserves the past because it tells stories about nations, their interrelationships, evolution, and commonality.
In the region of Gilgit , Pakistan- occupied Kashmir Archeological Survey of India had recently discovered a rock inscription in sanskrit laguage written in Brahmi script. The rock inscription embodies cultural resonance within the geographical frontiers. The manucripts discovered in the region of Gilgit are considered one of the oldest manuscripts scriptures between India and Pakistan. The fragments of the rock tablet serves as the expansion of sanskrit in south Asia . Sanskrit had been once revered by scholars and had been liturgical language of Indian subcontinent . The sanskrit languge spread across borders through ancient trade routes , religious pilgrimages , travellers and great empires like the Mauryas and Kushanas.
The influence of sanskrit has been beyond the place of its orgin . Its imprint not only created languages within the Indian subcontinent, but also in the countries that spread across Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and beyond. This linguistic diffusion, together with the exchange of cultural practices, perpetuated Sanskrit as a remarkable unifying mechanism in the given age of the world. It is also the language that served as the basis for European languages. Greek is one of the languages that further added to its vocabulary features through the incorporation of words like ambrosia that corresponded to the Sanskrit word Āmr̥tā meaning immortal or divine nectar. Thus it was the centralizing feature of Sanskrit in a time of the rise of global connections through trade and cultural exchange. Apart from language, Sanskrit has been a strong influence on disciplines like philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and literature, which demonstrates its adaptability and lasting relevance.
Although in contemproray times, the use of sanskrit is deminishing . its legacy has woven into the fabrics of modern language. Indian languages such as Hindi, Bengali , Marathi have retain extensive vocabulary and gramatical influences from sansakrit. Lingusts and scholars are still facisnated by the gramatical structure and phonetics of sanskrit. These artefacts enable us to understand interrelation and connection between geography, culture, language that has a profound impact on our socitey. This cultural diffusion highlights deeper appriciation of ancient langanges. Similarly the adaptation of Sanskrit Māntra and Yoga are practiced worldwide. Villages like Mattur in Karnataka have adopted sanskrit as their primary language explifing the revival of the ancient language. Furthermore , in the age of rising technology , new opportunities have been created for Sanskrit sholars.
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