Off the coast of Gujarat, in the wee hours of Monday, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) apprehended a Pakistani boat with 10 crew members who were carrying weapons, ammunition, and 40 kg of drugs worth $300 million.
Based on specific information supplied by the ATS, a combined team of the ATS and the ICG took action. The Coast Guard then sent its rapid patrol ship, “ICGS Arinjay,” for patrolling in the vicinity of the International Maritime Border Line (IMBL), during the night of December 25 and 26.
The Pakistani fishing boat “Al Soheli” was seen moving suspiciously in Indian waters early in the day, according to a news statement from the ICG. When confronted by the ICG ship, the boat began evasive manoeuvre and did not stop even after warning shots were fired.
The ICG guards boarded the boat for examination after the Coast Guard ultimately managed to intercept and halt the vessel.
The boat and crew are being sent to Gujarat’s Okha port for additional examination.
This was the seventh collaborative operation between the ICG and Gujarat ATS in the previous 18 months, and it was the first time that narcotics and weapons, and ammunition were also recovered.
In the past 18 months, 44 Pakistani and seven Iranian crew members have been detained together with 346 kilos of heroin worth Rs. 1,930 crore.