Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, replied on Tuesday to exit polls that indicated the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would easily win the MCD (Municipal Corporation of Delhi) elections. On Sunday, all 250 wards in the national capital had their civic elections. Since the national capital’s civic organisations were united into one this year, the BJP has controlled those institutions for over 15 years.
According to the exit polls, the AAP will have advanced much beyond the halfway point in the elections.
“I wish to congratulate Delhi’s citizens. Yesterday, I was watching the results. People have once more demonstrated their confidence in the AAP, “Tuesday, Kejriwal told reporters.
“I hope that these are the only results,” he continued. The AAP leader discussed the Gujarat exit polls after actively campaigning there over the past few weeks. “There is a new party in the mix. They claimed it to be the BJP’s stronghold. It’s a major deal if a party can secure between 15% and 20% of the vote in the first round “He underlined.
However, according to the exit polls, the party is unlikely to succeed in Gujarat as projected. It might not even come to an end there. Similar forecasts have also surfaced for Himachal Pradesh.
Since the AAP won Punjab earlier this year in a resounding victory, it has been attempting to broaden its national presence.
On Thursday, ballots for Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh will be tallied.