Pushkar Singh Dhami, chief minister of Uttarakhand, said on Sunday that he had spoken with the legislative assembly’s speaker about the anomalies alleged in the document leak case involving the Uttrakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC).
As a constitutional body, the Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha, CM Dhami said, “I would speak to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly over the reported anomalies.” He continued by saying that, regardless of duration, an investigation will be done into all appointments made to the Uttarkhand Vidhan Sabha.
He mentioned that there should be a fair investigation into the recruitments made in this fashion and stated, “All the appointments, in past or present, wherever the anomalies have been discovered should have neutral inquiries.”
Additionally, he has guaranteed continued information and a probe into the UKSSSC document leak issue until 2021.
Earlier on August 23, Hakam Singh Rawat, the individual in charge of the UKSSSC question paper leak who was detained, was additionally charged with misusing public resources.
For allegedly collecting money from applicants to provide solutions test questions for the graduate-level exam that was taken on December 4 and 5, last year, Rawat was detained earlier this month.
According to reports, Rawat, a panchayat member from Uttarkashi, requested a government helicopter to transfer his ill mother to a hospital for treatment. Additionally, it has been claimed that the Disaster Management Relief Fund paid for his mother’s medical care.
Notably, on August 13 from Arakot on the Himachal border, Special Task Force (STF) seized Rawat in connection with the matter for interrogation.